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Sybase IQ External Loader Tips

Can I use Sybase IQ external loading utility?

Yes, PowerCenter is fully integrated with the Sybase IQ external loader. If you are using Sybase client libraries 12.4.3 and later, configure the loader connection to use dbisqlc as the executable. If you are using Sybase client libraries 12.4.2 and earlier, configure the loader connection to use dbisql as the executable. By default, PowerCenter uses dbisql.

Can I create multiple partitions in a session that uses Sybase IQ

external loader?

Yes. While Sybase IQ cannot load from multiple files, you can create multiple partitions and configure them to route all data to the first partition before loading to Sybase.

If you are using PowerCenter 7.1.1, you can choose round-robin partition type for the target partition. If you are using PowerCenter 6.0 to 7.1, you can use the server flag SupportNonPartitionedLoaders and choose key-range partitioning for the target partition type. Configure the range to include all target data.

Can we use native threads to connect to Sybase IQ? Or is ODBC required?

ODBC is the native connectivity for Sybase IQ. However, note that you can use the Sybase DB libraries to access data as well.  It may sound a bit interesting, but the database client from Sybase works for both ASE and IQ.

Are there any other restrictions or problems loading to Sybase IQ?

Yes. Watch out for unsupported datatypes, such as Bigint and Time. You need to defined them as decimal datatypes in the mapping for them to load properly.

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