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>[Error] Script lines: 1-8 --------------------------
 The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the 'TSEC_EBIZWM' database.
 Msg: 2762, Level: 16, State: 3
 Server: ASE_DEV, Line: 1

 [Executed: 08. 2. 14 오후 3시 59분 15초 ] [Execution: 0/ms]

Sybase 에서 테이블을 생성할 때 이런 메시지가 나오면 commit을 해주고 다시 테이블 생성 스크립트를 실행하면 된다.


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Creating a Sybase transaction

At the end of each command press the space-bar or press enter before continuing the next step.

  1. To create a transaction, type<PRE> begin tran</PRE>
  2. Type<PRE> go</PRE>
  3. Press enter.

If everything goes well, you see the database prompt (a period, the name of the database you are using, another period, the number one and then the greater than symbol).

After you have created a transaction, you can do your work like normal, with a few exceptions. For example, you cannot create or delete a table or a database.

If you see something like<PRE> Msg 2762, Level 16, State 4 Server '', Line 1 The 'DROP TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the 'pubs2' database.</PRE>you have tried to do a command that is not allowed in a transaction. You must commit the transaction to do that command.

Next: Undoing a Sybase transaction
See also: Sybase transactions: preventing lost data
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Maintained by John Shipman, john@nmt.edu; original by Steve Anderson

Last updated: 1997/06/23 22:46:33 UT
URL: http://www.nmt.edu/tcc/help/db/sybase/trans_create.html

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